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Nov. 2, 2023

7-Figure Sales Funnels, Tiny Teams, & Sustainable Growth

7-Figure Sales Funnels, Tiny Teams, & Sustainable Growth

Bigger isn't always better

Tara and Katie are back and they dive deep into the world of business optimization. They challenge the notion that "bigger is always better" when it comes to entrepreneurship. Instead, they celebrate the power of small teams, great products, and exceptional customer experiences. Drawing from amazing business journeys like, "Miss Excel" (Kat Norton), a successful businesswoman who specializes in Excel courses, they explore studies on how creators can energy-manage to achieve sustainability with their product.

As they open up about their own entrepreneurial journeys, from chasing relentless growth to seeking a more balanced approach, Tara & Katie unravel the truth that many entrepreneurs face in the ongoing pursuit of finding that perfect harmony between ambition, personal well-being, and business success.

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